A lake in the mountains

Sustainability at BRITA

Sustainable action based on conviction

A woman walks into the forest

Our sustainability manifesto

If you’ve ever run on a sandy beach.
Plunged into the sea. Hiked up high.
Or adventured deep into a forest.
Then you’ve experienced the power of nature.

But today, nature has become unnatural.

Material & packaging

Bio-based plastic & more: discover the sustainable materials used in our products and packaging

Light, durable and flexible: plastic is a valuable raw material. In view of the stringent hygiene and quality requirements that we insist upon at BRITA, plastic is virtually ideal. However, we have a critical view of the impact of plastic production and consumption on the planet and we take our contribution to this very seriously indeed. That's why we want to greatly reduce the use of plastic in our products – by 30 % by 2025! To achieve this, we are researching various alternatives. In doing so, we pay attention to a wide variety of factors: In addition to quality, hygiene and safety criteria, manufacturing costs are just as relevant as CO2 emissions and the ability to recycle.

Innovative: bio-based materials replace virgin plastic

An innovative material called bio-based plastic has turned out to be particularly suitable. It is made entirely or partly from renewable biological sources such as plants – and it is just as durable and recyclable as conventional plastic. Andy differences can only be detected in the laboratory through scientific analysis.

At BRITA, we believe that agricultural land should be used to grow food for people and animals, not raw materials for the plastics industry. Therefore, our bio-based plastic contains only residual materials from other processes, for example from food or paper production. In the case of the Style eco water filter jug, we use what is called tall oil, which is a by-product of wood processing.

Sustainable and certified

Through the use of bio-based plastic, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and the consumption of conventional plastic – and we will continue to do so in the future.

Whenever we talk about bio-based plastic in connection with our products, you will find a percentage figure as well as the reference to the so-called mass balance approach. This means that you can see exactly how much bio-based plastic is in a product - a concept that is also used in the green electricity market, for example. The mass balance approach is an accounting method in which (in our case) bio-based materials are mixed with fossil materials during the production process and then allocated to the final product. All our suppliers work according to the specifications of the internationally recognised ISCC label - a certification standard that tracks the bio-based material throughout the entire production process.

Sustainability on the move: our packaging

In addition to sustainable production, the packaging and shipping of our products are equally important to us. After all, packaging waste is a global problem. We also want to do our bit to reduce the amount of waste and the associated CO2 footprint of our planet. This is a real challenge because packaging serves very specific purposes: it must protect our products from contamination and transport damage.

We are therefore developing concepts on how to use less packaging, and at the same time, deploy more sustainable packaging materials. For example, we are working towards packaging our products completely without plastic. Where this is not yet possible, we are reducing the use of plastics as extensively as we can while ensuring that they can be easily recycled. In e- commerce, we are already using so-called "ship-in-own-container" concepts. These are product packages that can be used directly as shipping boxes. In this way, we are already conserving important resources.

Protect the environment with BRITA

Calculate by how much you can reduce waste and CO2!

How much water do you drink daily?

1 litre

2 litres

3 litres

4 litres

5 litres

How much waste you generate annually

PET bottles

MAXTRA cartridges



BRITA MAXTRA cartridges help you reduce waste by {{values.kgdifference}} kg each year.

Comparison calculated based on: 1.5L PET bottle (0.035 kg) and MAXTRA cartridge (0.149 kg), values rounded, figures from November 2021

How much CO2 you generate annually

PET bottles

MAXTRA cartridges



BRITA MAXTRA cartridges help you reduce CO2 emissions by {{values.co2difference}} kg each year.

Comparison calculated based on: internal calculation based on scientific studies, values rounded, figures from November 2021

Help promote substainability ...

-{{values.kgdifference * counterAnimation | round}}kg

-{{values.co2difference * counterAnimation | round}}kg

... and protect the environment.

Calculated based on equal consumption.

BRITA sustainable initiatives

Learn about our initiatives to work with consumers and business customers to conserve resources and protect the environment

Group of mixed aged relatives sitting at dining table

Recycling of household water filter cartridges

BRITA water filter cartridges can almost be completely recycled. We also regenerate certain filter material ourselves and reuse it in new water filter cartridges – thus closing the material cycle.

2 colleagues meeting at a BRITA water dispenser

Dispensers help reducing the companies emit

By using BRITA water dispensers, a company can save up to 86 % CO2 equivalent annually compared to bottled water. And there are many more ways to achieve a company's sustainability goals with our water dispensers.

Sustainability goals

Shaping Sustainable Solutions: learn more about our 2025 strategy

It is already anchored in our corporate vision that sustainability and corporate responsibility are integral to everything that we do. With our product portfolio, we have an excellent starting position to fulfil this vision. However, our responsibility does not end here. As a company we buy, produce and transport goods as well as consuming electricity and other resources – and all of these actions produce CO2 emissions. We face up to this responsibility.

We have placed sustainability at the centre of our corporate strategy. The Planet Contribution is a new sustainability indicator that measures our success on an equal basis with turnover and profit. And with our Sustainability Charter, we have defined concrete goals that we want to achieve by 2025.

The BRITA Sustainability Charter at a glance


Colorful plastic pellets in a hand


Our products help prevent waste and emissions. To further improve their positive impact, we will lower our dependency on virgin plastic and reduce the footprint of our products.

Our specific goal:

  • Reduce virgin plastic in our signature product portfolio by 30 % by 2025
Environmentally friendly cardboard box at BRITA


Packaging waste is a global problem. We will reduce our footprint by using less packaging and replacing virgin plastic with more sustainable materials.

Our specific goals:

  • Eliminate 5.000 tons of packaging by 2025
  • Eliminate virgin plastic in new packaging from 2025 on
  • Ensure our packaging is 100 % recycable and supports the circular economy
A BRITA filter cartridge is emptied

Reuse & recycling

Reusing materials or putting them through high-quality recycling is our top priority. We want our product materials to live a valuable second life.

Our specific goals:

  • Increase the share of returned ion exchangers to
    20 % by 2025
  • Implement a dispenser refurbishment concept by 2023
The crown of a jungle tree


Reducing our company carbon footprint is a key contribution to help fight climate change. We will achieve this by minimizing emissions and offsetting what we cannot avoid.

Our specific goals:

  • Make emissions from business activities (GHG Scope 1 + 2) as well as logistics, fleet and travel, all carbon neutral from 2023 onwards
  • By 2023, define our road to net zero emissions

Company Carbon Footprint

Verifiable sustainability: learn more about our sustainable performance indicator

For us, acting sustainably means keeping the planet habitable for future generations. This also includes being aware of our contribution to climate change and reducing it wherever possible. To make further progress on this path, we have defined concrete climate protection targets, for the very first time, in our Sustainability Charter.

Since 2015, we have annually recorded the emissions produced by buildings, production, travel and transport of goods at all of our locations. When evaluating our carbon footprint, we use the Greenhouse Gas Protocol calculation standard and our results are then independently verified. Starting in 2023, we aim to offset relevant and unavoidable emissions from our operations through carefully selected compensation projects. However, we know that we need to do more in the long term. For example, to make our value chain more climate-friendly or even climate-neutral. By the end of 2023, we will therefore define a roadmap towards net zero emissions - in order to ultimately remove as many emissions from the atmosphere as we emit.

Don't plan – act!

Long-term climate strategies are important but climate protection must happen today! At BRITA, we are already implementing numerous measures to become more climate-friendly:

  • Certified green electricity at many BRITA Group sites
  • Promotion of electric company cars and over 40 free charging stations at BRITA SE locations
  • Generating our own electricity using photovoltaic systems
  • Climate-efficient construction methods and energy-saving technologies in new and renovated BRITA Group buildings
  • Optimized logistics routes and switching transport to ship and rail
  • Use of sustainable materials with a smaller CO2 footprint in products
BRITA production plant in Germany

BRITA production plant in Bad Camberg, Germany: The building, a modern timber construction, is powered by 100 % green electricity.


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BRITA Sustainability Policy

(PDF, 2.35 MB)
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Sustainability Report

(PDF, 26.61 MB)
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ISO Certificates

(PDF, 1.34 MB)
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BRITA Human Rights Statement

(PDF, 858.03 KB)
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