
Practising Mindfulness

For many of us, taking the time to be mindful and practice mindfulness isn’t always easy. There are so many things to do each day that setting aside the time to be mindful can get pushed to the bottom of the list. The good news is that being mindful isn’t that tricky, and it can easily be incorporated into your regular daily routine.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of purposely and deliberately bringing your attention to the present and your state of being. It means sitting down and calming your mind and your body and focusing on what you're feeling in the moment. 

The goal of mindfulness is to help us be more aware of our body and mind. Are you constantly feeling anxiety and acting in a state of panic? Are your muscles sore and in need of rest? There are a lot of health benefits to mindfulness, both for mental and physical health. Just remember that no one becomes a mindful master overnight. Taking small steps to practice mindfulness can lead to improved mental fitness, physical performance, brain function, and overall health and well-being.

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Practicing mindfulness

Many people practice mindfulness while meditating, but there are plenty of techniques when it comes to being mindful. Breathing exercises are a great and relatively easy method to focus your thoughts and feel more present in your body.

Other sensory experiences can help ground you in your body. The touch of carpet underfoot, the sound of a bird nearby, the shock of cold water flowing over your tongue and down your throat.

Mindfulness is also about our thoughts as well as our bodies. For some, this means making a gratitude list to reflect on the positives of the day, week, month, or year. For others, this can be simply reflecting on our feelings at the end of the day. 

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Mindful eating & drinking

Mindful eating means paying attention to the food you eat and doing so without judgement. Being mindful of what you eat, and drink doesn’t mean counting calories or watching what you eat. Mindful eating and drinking are about focusing on the sensation of eating. The flavours, smells, textures, and mouthfeel of what you consume.

Mindfulness can involve checking in with your body throughout the day as a part of developing good habits. This can be a great opportunity to make sure you're drinking enough water throughout the day. Being mindful of your water consumption throughout the day is a great way to stay hydrated. Not only can this help focus your mind to reduce anxiety, along with regular breathing exercises, but it can help you manage your hydration with adequate water intake for overall health benefits.


Mindful water

Being mindful of the water you drink can open up your awareness of your water. By focusing on it, you may be able to taste it more than you could before being mindful. Does your tap water have a smell or taste that’s different to bottled water?

If you want to change the taste, smell, and mouthfeel of your tap water to encourage healthy habits and mindfulness, you can use a BRITA water filter system. An under-sink tap filter system or an on-tap water filter means you can enjoy delicious water, straight from the kitchen tap. And you can practice mindfulness as you take note of the flavour profile of your great-tasting water.